Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So, CV sent me this blogball, to write down 7 truths about myself. As it has been a long time since I`ve written (work overload, bah), I decided to do it.

NB! Spoiler alert - if you don`t want to know the truth about me, don`t read it.

1) I am an egoist. I solemnly believe the right way of life is that people should do what they want.

2) I don`t like people in general. The few people I do like are an exeption.

3) I have never had a boyfriend. Probably it has to do with points 1 and 2J

4) I have no sense of modesty. I will not be content with a piece of cake, I will have the whole cake. And probably throw up after that, but that doesn`t stop me.

5) I perceive myself as 10cm taller and 15kg heavier as I actually am.

6) I don`t like to wear clothes at home.

7) The most watched channels on my TV are XXX-rated.